Participate in our FREE traffic analysis program

The first five eligible participants will receive a free AI-based traffic cluster analysis for the traffic corridor of your choosing. 

Sign up to Participate

Why Participate?

Check Mark


Gain a better understanding of recurring traffic patterns

Check Mark


Uncover potential scheduling problems with ToD signal timing plans

Check Mark


Detect traffic pattern anomalies to better plan timing plans for future events

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be within the first five participants to apply.
  • Must be a representative of a city, MPO, or DOT located within the US.
  • Must select a traffic corridor with up to 10 signalized intersections. 
  • Must be able to provide one to three months of either HiRes log data or vehicle probe data for selected corridor. 

What You'll Receive

Detailed gap analyses for the corridor in its entirety and individual intersections within it, presented in an hour-long workshop. This session allows you to understand how the analysis was conducted, ask questions, and gain a better understanding. Additionally, the analyses are available in PDF format for you to retain. 


Tallahassee Gap Analysis

Sample Intersection-Specific Gap Analysis-1


How it Works

  1. Select a corridor

    Select a traffic corridor with up to ten signalized intersections for analysis. 

  2. Data collection

    Provide one to three months of either HiRes log data for the traffic corridor selected or any potential probe data (turning movement count, on a 15 min resolution) you may have.
  3. AI-based processing

    Data will be injected into Axilion’s machine learning algorithm to undergo its clustering solution. 
  4. Access your cluster analysis

    Participants will receive a detailed PDF traffic cluster analysis showcasing corridor-level and intersection-level analytics grouped by time of day (M-F), with each AI cluster represented by a distinct color indicating varied traffic patterns. Corridor level traffic insights and a zoom session will be included to review the results with Axilion's team members. 
  5. Deploy changes based on new insights! 

    Compare the traffic cluster analysis to your currently deployed ToD signal timing plans to identify gaps where ToD plans may need to be changed. Uncover unusual traffic events that may merit a dedicated STP set in the future.

Selection process:

We will directly contact the first five eligible recipients by April 25, 2024, to proceed with the program.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your city's transportation management. Join Axilion's Traffic Analysis Program today!

For inquiries, email us